Tuesday 3 February 2015


Life will get much better when you stop caring about what everyone thinks, and start to actually living for yourself. Its on the realization that we all for ourselves. Maybe the care at some point in time but its not worthwhile. I believe in self worth, self trust and self motivation. I am the boss of me. I abort a mission when I dont find good in it. I take something on a serious stand when it actually got benefits on me. Thats ME! Its never an easy road pushing through influential peers and friends and at times relatives. I feel good in myself. I feel Queenish. Too good I dont have a twin. Its awesome living by yourself. No man is an island....I agree but to what extent will you live by that..Make your own metropolis out of the small that you have. I like people with big dreams. They atleast know how life would take them upto. A good friend once thought of having a cruise round the world, being the best gynecologist around and also cook a meal that would be her inspiration to the world. I like her. Life might be crude and cruel..so true but it doesnt mean the storms we go through should hit us down or rip us into pieces, rather, get stronger and refurbished. She also thinks of herself as the best daughter her parents ever had. Everyone thinks they are best..but to what extent are your thoughts taking you? When she has a cup of tea..black tea I mean..she thinks..that as much as she has big plans for her future what if she doesnt make it. What if the angel of death takes her soul in eternal peace..but in that, she also thinks of the good. What if she goes to Jannah? So she puts happiness in its place. Though there have been challenges in her life as old as she is, she got out of them with alot of strength. The strength to face them and the strength to actually say that Alas! That was an icebergs tip. Yet it could take the rest of us so down n low. I like it when she was my personal inspiration. Do everything as you are doing it last. Dance to the tunes as the music ends. The melody will live forever. Unique she is not only by her name but her face and character. "Emulataeble"....