Monday 6 July 2015

Tribute to a friend.

Her big beateous eyes
With brightness at sight
Such passionate warmth in them
That makes instant love.

There is magic in them
That you cant resist piercing into
The wideness is so noticed
That you get lost within.

Her sweetness and beauty
Can all be potrayed
The fire in it
Consumes and finishes you to ashes.

They are just eyes
Small and move alot
So what of the whole her?
Lets go with the flow.

Her calm valour is so fine
All men wonder, "When will she be mine?"
Hope she gets her type
Though difficult to find
The emperor is waiting for the right time.

The wide smile and glittery lips
The soft touch and rosy cheeks
Uh la la!
Was she made at dawn?

Am lucky as an ally
But not as lucky as her babies
Genes on point if am to say
Pretty could be her name, but she got a better one.

Her beauty is not only in eyes and looks
Largely extends to her great personality
Open hearted and kind
If she is not a gewel, she is a gem.

They say a lady is beauty and brains
Sharp and resolute features her most
A staunch economist if am to say
She got the all. RIO.