Saturday 4 June 2016

Live it best.

The meaning of life is not so defined, not really clear. One of the words that could be explained for a whole day and nothing gets clear. What we make out of it matters most. Life drives one and many senses in our hearts, but, what one really chooses to make out of it has of great importance. We do not live by ourselves, either way, we need each other for co-existence and ease in our lives. Our days are better spent with others. Not just any other, but ones who just make it better and more promising.
It is not a smooth road, though the gift of life is the best. From the little struggles, small hustles and big challenges we face, from it comes better us, improved versions of who we were before. Challenges refine us for the best. It's never promised to be simple and all a smooth road but the bumps, the strong winds, and a not so clear fog ahead moves us for the risk. The world heals from us, the young sweet souls take from what we do and the elderly expect too much. If they got through to where they are at the moment, why not us? They would frequently question. Forgetting that times are different, things change. Really fast. You would not even realise they have. From a glimpse, life flows, too busy forgetting more about our cultures or rather what gets us deeply involved most is the West and the time change. Not so bad. Either way, the Swahili say that he is a slave, the one who abandons his culture. Very true. We got to deal with it or it deals with us.
It is amazing how people get celebrated immediately they pass away. Recent deaths will bear me witness. Our own particular legend, Mohamed Ali. From a keen note, I would really admire his articles from journals, youtube videos and stay inspired. Or rather, live through to what he said or see him do. The value of people, the love of his religion and nurturing of life is what he's celebrated for, let alone the passion he got for his career. Mention of it, it's of much joy doing what you love, what really gets you up in the morning like it is the best you could ever do. Each day inspires itself. Such things are the little boosts that complement life and success.
Nothing is of much importance than being an icon, than living and knowing that it's not all for yourself. It counts on you for you and for others. It doesn't mean you have to rip yourself into pieces to keep others whole. Still, you are a priority before anyone. Live in the present and make it beautiful, you will still live even after you are gone and forgotten by face. Live the life you love. Live the life you admire. Live the life that's of good. Live it best.


  1. this is a true inspiration..truly we live best when we admire and love the life we live...thank you

  2. الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ عَلَى كُلِّ حَالٍ .....جزاك اللهُ خيرًا
