Tuesday 2 February 2016

Pearl in souls.

Mom ever tells me, that wherever I go and find people held closely together, strengthen the ties, tighten them deep and wherever I go and find people falling apart, I should get them together. Back to where they were before or better than they were initially.

Good moments pass, candles light and shine bright. Never was there a better day than making change, creating hope and instilling togetherness, oneness, willingness and strength bound esteem in people. In colleagues. In strangers. Everyone burns inside, of demons untold. Little we can do to each other is good. All done and said, ultimate destination to humanity and closeness got to be reached. To spread the air, to advance and to glisten.

Minds are tired, hearts are broken, souls are aching of things unsaid and situations not to be remembered. The little interaction, that costs nothing more than a smile and a sweet dimple, a hug and a smooth caress. The greatest of moments in life are the ones felt, not bought, not compromised.

A tedious day mine was, but on my way back, I felt a memory that long lived. It swept of my tiredness and brought my pimples blushing purple. Yes purple, red gets too mainstream for such a big thought. It never costed me a scent to ease my heavy burning inner self. The little impact someone had on me. That was little, big would be an overdose, I guess.

Pearls in souls are never expensive, never costly, they never got price tags, they are free to give and most of all best to receive. They are the best we can have. Of natural importance shines most, of sincere thoughts and deep feelings. A little goodwill can change a life.

Lives changed are lives made.


  1. Awsome! Lives changed are lives made :)

  2. Everybody's got their Demons. Masterpiece, yes no egos ...real talk
